Yesterday, Thanksgiving, my father-in-law, brother-in-law, and I went duck hunting. Knowing that we were just as likely to see hogs as ducks in this particular swamp, I brought my Remington 700 30.06. On our way to the swamp we spotted this large herd of pigs. I took aim at the largest of the group and fired. Immediately the hogs charged us, which, of course put us into the trees. After they left the area we walked over to view the hog that dropped only to find that another had been killed also. As I was the only one to shoot we realized that I had killed two hogs with one shot. That was amazing luck (I really do not believe in luck). Amazing because, anyone who knows the model 700 knows that a second shot is not always available; especially when the hogs immediately started to charge- the only option at that time is to run to the nearest climbable tree, which I did!
I am blessed when I consider my freedom to own guns, freedom to hunt private property, to be able to provide for my family from my efforts, and blessed that we survived. I am so very thankful for the blessings that God has afforded us, thankful for America, and most of all, thankful for Jesus.