For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
One night recently my wife and I came home to find this beautiful creature sitting on our door step. He was very kind to allow us to get close enough to take these photos. I assume that this is a moth of some kind. Some of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen have been moths. I have encountered them in wild colors and patterns as well as shapes and sizes- pure white with purple spots circled in black, gray with pinkish symmetrical bands, and so on. The colors and their contrasts would make any artist a creative genius. The shapes and sizes are the very definition of creativity and imagination. The combination of these attributes declare an unparalleled love for beauty.
Astonished! With flashing of eyes, stunned by Your glory,
In awe and wonder I see Your hand,
Supreme Creator consummate Architect, in love You tell Your story,
In awe and wonder I see Your hand,
Overwhelmed I give You my heart
When I survey the array of all Your deeds, my heart stirs, I begin to see,
Your love for man, Your pursuit therein,
Mountains and lowlands, blue skies and black, above and below the sea,
Your love for man, Your pursuit therein,
Overwhelmed I give You my heart
Whom among artists, creators, or play writes, paints, creates or writes to curtain,
But to proffer the gift of Life eternal
From alpha to omega, beginning and end, all Your majesty Your splendor display
But to proffer the gift of Life eternal
Overwhelmed I give You my heart
SC Tuesday, May 26, 2009
In awe and wonder I see Your hand,
Supreme Creator consummate Architect, in love You tell Your story,
In awe and wonder I see Your hand,
Overwhelmed I give You my heart
When I survey the array of all Your deeds, my heart stirs, I begin to see,
Your love for man, Your pursuit therein,
Mountains and lowlands, blue skies and black, above and below the sea,
Your love for man, Your pursuit therein,
Overwhelmed I give You my heart
Whom among artists, creators, or play writes, paints, creates or writes to curtain,
But to proffer the gift of Life eternal
From alpha to omega, beginning and end, all Your majesty Your splendor display
But to proffer the gift of Life eternal
Overwhelmed I give You my heart
SC Tuesday, May 26, 2009
thanks for your comment mister....
je suis ravi de votre fidelité
dommage no speak english
je vais essayé de faire de éffort pour parler english
merci thanck you verry match
Great macro photo of a fascinating moth. I've never seen anything similar. You might be able to look it up on bugguide.net.
Have a great weekend.
that is a beautiful and most unusual moth. thanks for your visit. I gave you an answer on my post.
Hi!! thanks for you comment. Nice to meet you. do you love blogging or what?
Impressive moth... beautiful!!!
The poem has a wonderful rhythm I very much appreciated this post.
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