After a day of moving cattle from one farm to another by way of cattle drive, we had to rush to my father's farm to let my wife's shi tzu out to go and take care of his business before we broke bread at another family member's farm. In order for him to safely do his business, he needs to be accompanied and if it is dark he ought to be escorted with a shotgun. "Why?"... some of you city slickers might ask. There are many predators that would see this little guy as a great opportunity for a snack and he is completely defenseless. From eagles, to cougars, this place is still wild and I love it.
This is what I wore while moving cattle all day. Only when I went to let the dog out did I grab the shotgun. My wife thought that I looked very scary as if I were waiting for a stage coach and that deserved a photo. Hence, the photo.
I post this little blog with the photo to vent about the fact that I am not where I want to be and living the life I want to live. Don't get me wrong, we are where we are supposed to be doing what we are supposed to be doing. Moreover, even if I were in New York city, as long as it were with my precious wife I would survive; just as long as we are in God's will. Nevertheless, I reside in a suburb, surrounded by people, and do not get to see the wildlife that my heart desires to see. My wife is a college prof, therefore, much of our social interaction is with academia. Although I prefer the company of intelligent people, especially those of conviction, this is among the most haughty, opinionated, lily livered, limp risted, do nothing, cowardly communities in existence. Not all of these folks are as I described but this seems to be a common trait among the pampered overly educated dreamers of academia.
If I lived at the family farm I would be found in these rugged clothes, working with pragmatic hard working people, toting a gun which I love to do, and able to see wildlife regularly. At any given time one might see from one to a dozen eagles sittling in the trees above my dad's pond fishing. I would survive on a diet of vegies that I had grown, whether, fresh or canned. Meat that I killed and butchered and regularly fish that I caught. Regular exercize, fresh air, and freedom. I could run naked for days and never be seen if there were not so many thorny kinds of plants to catch a variety of appendages:) I love the farm and I always desire to be there.
I had time to vent a little so I did. I am sorry.
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