Warm weather. Oh yes. The only use I have for cold weather in the south is for a good hunting temps. The south is limited by cold weather; we do not have ice skating, skiing, snow, or many of the things people usually benefit from when it is cold. Even the fishing is limited to minimal levels during winter. When it begins to warm the opportunities to enjoy the outdoors grow.
I enjoy saltwater fishing of all kinds; salt marshes, tidal creeks, the Charleston harbor, the Beaufort bay and surrounding islands, pier fishing, surf fishing, and off shore fishing. Crabbing and shrimping are so pleasant that prove to be well worth the effort at suppertime. My favorite meal is a freshly caught game fish grilled with charcoal and hickory chips, grits or a baked potato, and a salad- that I caught. I love beef but the exotic flavors that are potential in all saltwater fish make it a mealtime delight that surpasses everything else.
I begin to get stir-crazy at the tail end of every winter and begin dreaming of the saltwater. As the water begins to warm the fish come close to to shore and I get excited. My wife and I usually spend most of our summer weekends in the saltwater. While I fish she relaxes on the beach or on the boat. It is a most wonderful expenditure of time. My brother-in-law is a student at the College of Charleston and has his Grady White off shore fishing boat down there with him. The refrigerator is always full of the best kinds of fish steaks.
I write because I am finally moving out of the funk that has settled over me this winter. Every year I go through the same struggles. Every year the transition from funk to mania defines my life leaving me feeling guilty for being so ungrateful about my life. I would love to move back to Colorado, but this time of year that I am now beginning to enjoy on the coast, is a wet muddy mess that renders much of the outdoors unusable.
What is the point? I am never satisfied. I have found that this is not, however, limited to me. This seems to be a constant, prominent trait of humanity. Humans need more, bigger, better, constantly. We are never truly satisfied. The best we can hope for amounts to a pacifier. We are an insufferable breed. I wonder what it is about us. Why is this such a defining characteristic? When will we quit running from this to that in search of happiness? What will it take for true satisfaction, contentment, hope?
God, I am so sorry for my complaining. I am so glad that You are merciful and that Your mercies are new every day. I am the beneficiary of the fact that You are faithful and just to forgive us of all of our unrighteousness. I am blessed to know that You long to have compassion on me. Forgive me Lord, I continue to be a sinner and see no remedy in this life. This makes me aware of the truly amazing grace and love that defines Your heart toward me. You are my Father who loves me- unconditionally. Thanks Jesus.... I love you.
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